DELTA offers tailor-made terminology solutions from simple glossaries to professional terminology management.

Every industry, every single company has its own way of doing things – and these particularities manifest in specific terminology. DELTA recognised the crucial importance of terminology management for its customers’ technical translations and multilingual content early on and specialises in perfectly tailored solutions, from simple glossaries to professional terminology management for businesses and organisations. Our experts in this field hold the terminology certificate of the German Terminology Association (Deutscher Terminologie-Tag, DTT).

From simple glossaries to multilingual terminology databases

We help our customers use their terminology efficiently and effectively for all their multilingual communication purposes – internal or external, analogue or digital. Our portfolio comprises the following terminology-related services:

  • Establishing terminology guidelines
  • Monolingual terminology extraction using partially automated procedures
  • Consolidation of existing terminology
  • Establishing bilingual glossaries for the translation process
  • Creating multilingual terminology databases including definitions and attributes
  • Maintaining and hosting terminology databases

From creating a glossary through managing and expanding it to ensuring its consistency across countries and languages – DELTA’s approach centres on expert communication at eye level. Our staff will work with your specialists to identify your needs and tailor our services to your requirements.

Tailor-made terminology solutions

If you see room for improvement in your terminology management, together, we will find the solution that best meets your individual requirements.

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Tel: +49 (0)228 - 948 67 0
Fax: +49 (0)228 - 948 67 67

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